Banned again....

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Re: Banned again....

Post by Fermis »

A few thoughts...

But 1st...
Stikpusher wrote:When you start getting above two dozen, call me... :bored:
Whatchyer number?!!!
Without spending time looking through every box for an official count....40-50 at least.
Most were kits I took to the airport (waiting for snow) and just glued parts together...I don't count those as "active".
"Active"...just 8 kits, and another 10 figs/busts.

As far as views vs. comments...while it is nice to get the "atta boys" (and I certainly do appreciate them)...I have never felt any kind of "miffed" by not getting comments. I just hope that others might get something out of my WIP I do from others...whether they say so or not! There are far better modelers than me to learn from...but even they might pick up something they hadn't thought of.
I don't comment a whole lot....I feel awkward about "Hey, wow, that looks great". I feel equally awkward about saying "thank you for your service" to a service member. To me, it just seems a bit trivial and "tossed" out there...but only for myself to say such things.
Once in a while, the mood hits me right though!
speedgraflex wrote:Whom are we making what we make for, ultimately...
OURSELVES!!! (easy answer!)
For just kind of happened. Started when I was a kid..."Oh wow, that's a cool plane, I wanna build it"!!! Pretty much continued that way. When I got to the point of "Yeah, that's pretty decent"...I started entering in contests. Then I set goals for contests, which kept me going and trying to improve. 1st, I wanted to "place" in every category(except cars)...then it was 1st in every category...then "best of" in every category....then "Best of Show"...and finally, getting some 1st's at Nationals. (had "runner up" for "Best aircraft" and "Best of Show"....close enough for me!!!). Ultimately, it was a challenge to myself...I didn't build for contests (other than as a "byproduct")...I built to meet my own challenge for myself.
Somewhere in there, I challenged myself to build as many (contest worthy) as I could in a to 50! Yard maintenance suffered dearly that year!!!
Goals/challenges have all been what?!!!
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Re: Banned again....

Post by Stikpusher »

Fermis wrote:Goals/challenges have all been what?!!!
Now what? Fill the gaps in the collection! :giggles:
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Re: Banned again....

Post by jkim »

What an interesting discussion! I think I post my builds online for feedback, discussion and positive affirmation. Similar to my other hobby: fishing, I can and will do it alone but it is much better if I can somehow share it with others. The internet forum/message board is a perfect format for me as it establishes the record of events associated with each particular build in chronological order, with photos, comments and discussion all included. It provides the social interaction that I need (I don't attend model shows/events and don't know anyone personally that builds models) with the added benefit of becoming a documented reference that I can go back and look at, which I often do.

When I re-started model building about 7-8 years ago, I joined and started posting there. That was a great introduction to the current state of model building and the mechanics of posting builds online including Group Builds, which I participated in very actively. There were no prizes given but the Group Builds were judged by a pre-determined panel of forum members and participants/winners were given little custom-made graphics that they could proudly display in their signature, which I thought was very cool...

Image Image Image ImageImage

I was "new" to the hobby and was really excited to grow and learn all of the different techniques and products that were available. It was my perception at the time that the majority of the WW2aircraft community was not AS interested in these new techniques and many were content to build models the way that they were comfortable building. Probably not a totally accurate assessment but that is what I felt so I didn't think WW2aircraft was the right community for me. I started looking around and settled on SPAModeler and LargeScalePlanes. These are the two forums that I post to now and while neither is a perfect fit for me, the combination seems to satisfy my needs at the moment.

As far as unfinished models... I only have two: The Hasegawa Fw 190D-13 conversion and the Special Hobby Tempest V. Both of them are on track to be completed this year. So I really don't have a Shelf of Doom and like to finish every kit that I start. Knock on wood!
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Re: Banned again....

Post by keavdog »

I have 3 on the bench - Osprey, Rover, and Garlits Challenger. Two back in the box and on the shelf - 1/48 Hasegawa F-14A - got stuck putting the intakes on. And a 1/48 A7 cut up converting to a TA-7C - just stalled on that project and now there's the hobbyboss kit... :hmm:
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Re: Banned again....

Post by Stuart »

Well this thread has taken an interesting turn… :hmm:

I don't have a SOD, I found the weight of it effected my mojo too much. Unfinished kits for me generally get binned or go back in the stash. I work on the principle that if I've put it down for more the a month or so, then I've obviously finished with it ands it served it's purpose.

On the theme of ‘Atta-boys’ and ‘Continuously Improving’ – this seems to be a new thing to me, or at least I’ve only noticed over the past few years (since a certain former member kicked off about it and set up a FB group on the subject). Well I’m going to break the mould here…

I don’t strive for improvement… Why? Because I can’t be arsed. :giggles: (terrible I know)

Don’t get me wrong, I get it, I get the drive, but every-time I’ve tried to pander to it over the last few years I’ve lost all interest in building. Yes, I enjoy playing around with new methods and materials and I do try and build the best I can, but I’ve had to accept the fact that I’m a forty something self-employed husband and father of two, one of which is disabled, 10, gets me up regularly during the night and not toilet trained (I’ll let your imagination fill in the blanks as to what that means to my daily life :poo: :poo: :poo: :poo: )

Yes, modelling to me is fun creative outlet and escape from the rigors of life, but as much as I’m passionate about it , it’s not high on the list of priorities. I get what..? three hours of bench time a week if I’m lucky, maybe four on a really good week – but that’s in piecemeal bits here and there over the 7 days. The longest uninterrupted period I ever have is about 30 minutes – it’s hard to do much improvement and frankly, under those circumstances, I’m just glad to have the opportunity to sit down and slap a bit of plastic together and throw some paint at it – life would be a bit sadder without it.

So, Why do I post on SPAM? Simple, this forum has the best bunch of guys on the internet and I love the interaction with fellow modellers. We're a chilled bunch and we're grown up enough to self moderate and not take offence - I like that fact that I can swear if I want to and not get banned. :wub:

Whilst I am fully aware that my builds add nothing to the forum’s collective body of superb work, and if there was a skill-based pecking order of builds here, then my paltry brush painted, OOB, trash kit builds would be firmly at the bottom of the pile – I’m still made welcome? That means a lot to me, and not all forums have that.

Cheers Dudes!

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Re: Banned again....

Post by Tojo72 »

I don't have any unfinished kits laying around.Very obsessive,won't start anything till one is completed.I happen to have two going right now which is very rare,but only because I was waiting for Meng to send a replacement fret for a Merkava,so I started an Eduard Spitfire in the meantime
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Re: Banned again....

Post by LyleW »

Stuart, as the most raw modeler on here .... move aside! You work has gotten do much better over the last several years! It is fun to watch, really.
To make each build less crappy than the last one. Or, put another way, "Better than the last one, not as good as the next one!"..
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Re: Banned again....

Post by Stuart »

Ah balls - you too man, at least you airbrush and print your own decals.
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Re: Banned again....

Post by LyleW »

I also walk upright some days! I have the luxury of a bit more time (4-5 hours a day) to fudge around with this stuff. I am also notorious (well, in my mind) for buying tech I can barely use. I have come oh-so-close to buying a 3-d printer and such...then I see what Fermis does with scrap plastic, a candle and a bit of a mould.
To make each build less crappy than the last one. Or, put another way, "Better than the last one, not as good as the next one!"..
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Re: Banned again....

Post by Dragline »

What a crew.....

It takes all kinds to make this place as great as it is. From Lyle's self effacing comedy, to the blatant honesty of Stu and his life situation. I find your honesty about your life and the little work you can muster to be a bit humbling. I simply don't have any obstacles such as those and i still find time for excuses.

And my move and house issues are about to be resolved and I will be moving within 30 days [hopefully]. Then it's back to the bench and doing what I can to aggravate Lyle.
Now that we know that.... What have we learned?...
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