Maddog Manufacturing 2023 Grand Reopening!

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Re: Maddog Manufacturing 2023 Grand Reopening!

Post by Duke Maddog »

Stikpusher wrote: Sun Jan 29, 2023 2:56 pm
BlackSheep214 wrote: Sun Jan 29, 2023 1:16 pm Fold wing prototype Stuka? Interesting.
I believe that was for their never completed aircraft carrier.
Yes it was, along with a navalized Me-109, which had the landing gear moved to the outside for better stability. The Stuka was intended to be a torpedo bomber as well as a dive bomber. As for their carrier, The Graf Zeppelin; for all intents and purposes was completed. It even sailed out under it's own power on a short shakedown cruise. All that was really needed was to fit out the catapults, add the radar, radio and other items and she would have been ready to train her air crews with their new navalized aircraft.
The Duke
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Re: Maddog Manufacturing 2023 Grand Reopening!

Post by Stikpusher »

Let me rephrase that to “never quite fully completed…”😉
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Re: Maddog Manufacturing 2023 Grand Reopening!

Post by Duke Maddog »

Good rephrase. I often wonder how things would have been if they had finished it and commissioned it. :hmm:
The Duke
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"Do you know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I get and beat you with 'till you understand who's in ruttin' command!"
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Re: Maddog Manufacturing 2023 Grand Reopening!

Post by Duke Maddog »

It's February and time for the first tour of the manufacturing plant to see what's being worked on this month. It's been a bit if a slow month except for the Shipyards. Since there is so much happening there, we'll start at the Shipyards.

The first thing that was done was to spray the darker grey on the hulls of the two Vospers wartime boats; you can see both boats here:



The question now was how am I supposed to mask off the unique curved line of the hull to spray the lighter color on the hull? I came up with an idea: first, a pattern was drawn and redrawn and redrawn on a thin sheet of styrene until I had something that looked right:


That was then cut out. Then we put down some wide tape on a flat, clean surface and used the template to draw out two patterns:


I then realized that the darker grey wasn't covering enough of the hull, so we sprayed the whole sides of both the 71 and 73 foot Vospers:


Now it was time to test out these masks, we applied them to the 71 footer first:


After both sides were masked, we shot the lighter color on the hull and superstructure. It turned out okay enough for me:




After that dried enough, we painted up the deck:


The deck isn't fully painted, we need to get into the tighter areas with a smaller brush. Then a medium dark brown wash will go over it.

The 73 footer will be masked and shot next. Until then, we'll move onto the next slip to see the German S-Boot....

The instructions called for two of these deck circles to be removed and so we did; making a bit of a mess with it:


However, once some liquid cement was applied to melt all the loose shavings back down, it started to look better once painted.

The painted top deck was then masked off after removing the bridge parts, which were masked as well for their paint:



You'll notice I removed the red stickers from the armored bridge front piece; it was there to protect the two antenna(?) posts on the front. Naturally, soon afterward, I bent one over and had to fix it. After all that masking was done, we shot the light grey over the whole thing. Once it was dry, we removed the masking and then added the bridge again to see how much touch up needed to be done. Fortunately, not too much:


And now for a little close up on the bridge. The binocular assembly will be painted black later:


It sure looks good in pictures....

Moving on to the next slip, we managed to get a bit more done on the USS Enterprise. First, the stern was assembled with most of the major parts needed:


After that, most of the major platforms and additional parts were added to the island to finish the major construction on that. Seams were also filled in:



The main flight deck was then glossed for decals, but that will most likely wait as they kit requires one to paint every single line on that deck, including the ones surrounding the elevators. Gee that is going to be fun! Anyway, here it is all mocked up showing it ready for hull and island painting at least:


My apologies for leaving the S-Boot in that pic; I had nowhere else to put it....

That completes this part of the tour in the Shipyards, now let's see what's happening in the Hangar....

Not much had been happening here but some small progress was made on the A-400. First, the wing seams that had been filled and sanded had been painted over with a fresh coat of grey:


That turned out a bit better than I expected, given how hard this model has been fighting me. Later, this was sprayed with a gloss so that decals could be applied next.

Over in the next bay, we finally completed the assembly of the engines on the Concorde and started sanding them smooth:


The lower wing was then glued to the main fuselage, making sure all seams and joints were glued and closed:


Here you can see one major gap that will need to be filled; I'm thinking sheet styrene will do fine:


Finally, we made every effort to close up the nose of this plane and still have the nose droop like it's supposed to. I don't know how successful we were, but this forward fuselage pod is completed:


It's funny, I'd been focusing on this because I figured it would be a fairly easy and fast model to finish. Boy did I figure wrong!

That completes the tour of the Hangar, now on to the Motor Pool....

Here in the first second bay, we started the SCUD D right next to the SCUD C in the first bay. The rocket was built first; here it is next to the SCUD C rocket:


Then the chassis for the SCUD D was assembled. It looks like the SCUD C chassis since we built it to the same level as the SCUD C:


In the back corner of the Motor Pool, we started one more project; not military either....

Now this last project is one I'm doing for a "Monogram Mafia" Group Build on another Forums. The story behind this is that one of my friends from a Forums which shall not be named, got tired of people dissing Monogram models. Having built quite a few myself, I also agree, they look good when finally completed. So, he started a Monogram Mafia over there, challenging everyone to build one. However, to be a "made" man; you had to build two in a six month period. Flash forward about a decade or so, and he and I are on another Forums; one of the two best I've been a part of since the LEM passed away. The discussion on Monogram models came up again and he was invited to start up "La Familia" again. Now that you know the background, here is one of the two models I'm doing to become a "made" man over there: this is the Monogram 1/24 scale (yes you read that right!) Packard Phaeton spots car.

First, we primed the body in preparation for the color coat:


This one will be green, but a more vibrant green than all these other military vehicles. While that was drying, we started the engine, getting it assembled completely:



Next, the chassis was assembled and then the engine was added to stabilize the fragile construction. The rear disk brakes were added to check for potential floating wheels:


That is as far as we got on that.

This completes the latest tour of Maddog Manufacturing, the first one in February. Thank you all for joining us and as always, comments are welcome.
The Duke
Virtuoso of Miniatures

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Re: Maddog Manufacturing 2023 Grand Reopening!

Post by keavdog »

Great stuff Mark. The Vospers look great. I want to see some paint on the A-400! Seamwork looks great. Nice progress on the Concorde as well.
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Re: Maddog Manufacturing 2023 Grand Reopening!

Post by Brandons_Iron »

You have a ton going on here. I thought I was busy, but this beats me good. Nice progress across the board.

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Re: Maddog Manufacturing 2023 Grand Reopening!

Post by jeaton01 »

Nice work, Mark.
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Re: Maddog Manufacturing 2023 Grand Reopening!

Post by Stuart »

Very nice work all round Mark. If it makes you feel any better, that Concorde kit is notoriously a bastard.
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Re: Maddog Manufacturing 2023 Grand Reopening!

Post by LyleW »

The gospels are neat! The “Big E” looks great, Weil, heckfire it all does.
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Re: Maddog Manufacturing 2023 Grand Reopening!

Post by BlackSheep214 »

Great progress!
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