What is SPAM?

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What is SPAM?

Post by Stikpusher »

A tasty canned meat? Unwanted email solicitations for everything and anything under the sun, moon, and stars? A Monty Python skit?
Yes, it is all that. But what about here? What is this website forum that we all frequent and call SPAM?

Is it a marriage/monogamous relationship? No. We all come here and share our work, thoughts, feelings, opinions, findings, and so much more. But not only here. Members are free to come and go as they choose and post whatever they choose wherever they choose (within forum guidelines of course) as much as, or as little as they care to do. Lurk silently or post promiscuously, the choice is yours.

Is it a gulag/prison/jail? Certainly not! No members are brought here at gunpoint and forced to stay here for life or until penance is served. We all came here of our own free will, either by invitation, own discovery, or some other means. No one makes us join or stay if we are unhappy. The internet door works both ways- you can come in on your own and you can leave on your own.

Is it elitist? Hell No! Members do not have to build a certain subject type or scale. Or brand or even skill level. They are all welcome here, from the beginner to the guru. We just want to build things from plastic, resin, metal, scraps of whatever. And share it amongst ourselves and anybody else who wants to partake. But there is no last word in how or what to do.

Is it a refuge? Sort of... many of us came here after some blow ups, dust ups, melt downs on other forums and gravitated together due to a common interest- model building. I don't want to say scale modeling because some subjects are not scale miniature reproductions of something real, but are instead based purely upon the imaginary and by that virtue they sidestep that issue. But yes, we came here from around the globe, built this up, and stayed because we thought that we could all get along and do it just a bit different than on other sites, and hopefully better while doing so. We tend to have a mutual respect for one another. I don't think that there is a member here, who if they showed up on my front porch tomorrow that I could not invite in to my home, crack open a cool refreshing beverage to drink with them, fire up the BBQ to make some food to enjoy with them, and talk about our shared passion for this great hobby of modeling. We all may have differing subject interest areas, but we all like to create these miniatures with our own two hands. Otherwise we could go out, buy and collect, pre assembled, pre painted miniatures. The enjoyment is both in the path and at the destination.

What is SPAM to you? :Beaver:
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Re: What is SPAM?

Post by Medicman71 »

Well said Stik. I don't think I could have said it better.

This is one of two model forums that I participate in. I like it here cause a majority of the people are from FSM that got along. After the "meltdown" there, I got banned and lost a lot of good modelling buddies till I was told about this place.

So for me it's a place to show my crap and reconnect with great people.

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Re: What is SPAM?

Post by gino b2 »

I am new to the forums , I joined my first forum in july 2015. I am a member of two others besides this one.
after many years of building and also many years away from the hobby at this stage of my life I wanted to share my builds, learn new things, and meet others who enjoy the hobby. I joined spam on the recommendation of a great person I met on my first forum.
this is my favorite place and I feel most comfortable here. I don't even bother posting much on the other forums anymore .
the funny thing is I wasn't going to join this forum because I was already on two others and wasn't sure if the forum thing was even my cup of tea.
I am sure glad I did. so to me spam is a awesome place and thanks to the people on here that make it that way !

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Re: What is SPAM?

Post by Paul »

Is it when you start to shake and stiffen up and become totally uncontrollable or is that a spasm?? Sort of a dance :dancing:

I look at it as a meeting of a few like minded individuals who really enjoy modeling and or talking about it even if we haven't built in years or never finish what we start and get on to something else. I enjoy seeing all of the builds and some that even take my breath away because I never expect to see some of the productions here.

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Re: What is SPAM?

Post by jelliott523 »

This is one of two forums that I belong to. I came here at the invitation of a long-time member here after the blowup at FSM as well. I still lurk there occasionally and will post occasionally; however, I do not feel as comfortable there as I do here. Everyone here has shown compassion and support and given helpful suggestions. My modeling skill is nowhere near some of the extremely talented individuals who are members here. I look up to those with the hopes that someday my work will be half as good as their's. I know, we are our own worst critic. That is what makes SPAM such a nice place to visit.

I also like the fact that everyone can joke around (within the guidelines of course) with each other and you dont get put in "time-out" by the mods. Thanks to everyone for making this place what it is. :shoutout:
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Re: What is SPAM?

Post by CallSignOWL »

Medicman71 wrote:Well said Stik. I don't think I could have said it better.

This is one of two model forums that I participate in. I like it here cause a majority of the people are from FSM that got along. After the "meltdown" there, I got banned and lost a lot of good modelling buddies till I was told about this place.

So for me it's a place to show my crap and reconnect with great people.


except I never got banned.... :whistle:

Most of my forum buddies jumped ship, so I followed along. I was guided to SPAR, but when that went belly up, and the replacement forum nixed us small scale builders....this site was opened and I set up camp! Its a smaller venue, but I think that just makes us all the more closer to one another. :kissing:

I still post at FSM though; I dont get involved in discussions as much as I participate here at SPAM, but there is still a good group of folks there that I catch up with. :)
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Re: What is SPAM?

Post by BorgR3mc0 »

Like Owl I started on FSM (in 2004!) but decided to quit after a large fall out. I cam here via SPAR and actually beta tested the forum (just search for the Parnell Putty Pursuit Plane).

I like spam because of the relaxed attitude of the members. You can be a an award winning, commission building, published master modeller or a newbie who uses a hairy stick to paints his models. It's all good and welcome. As long as you are active and participate.
Furthermore I like that there are modellers from all over the world on this forum. It is a truly international forum. At FSM I missed discussions because they all happened in my down time. Here the activity is could be a bit higher but is all day long.

As a side note. I think our forum is not that good "findable" in Google. When searching for certain models or aircraft SPAM never pops up. Could we improve on that?
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Re: What is SPAM?

Post by Stuart »

What is SPAM? That’s a good question.

Put simply it’s one of the best groups of modelling folk I’ve found on the internet. I can’t think of many other places where I’ve seen such a talented mix of people, knowledge and genres, but without the big-headedness and egos that generally go with it.

Here are some other rambling thoughts…

I’ve never been a member of FSM, but I found this place (or the old pro-boards site) via a google search a few years back. I won’t go into details but I’ve struggled over the past 4 years with stress and depression – and it was during one of these bouts of feeling that I didn’t fit in anywhere that I cast around on the net trying to find somewhere else to join in – I purposely searched for a Small Plastic Modelling forum and you guys came up – and made me feel welcome even though I in no way matched you guys for talent - I really appriciated that.

And I have to say it annoys me when I hear people bashing this place because of its size. Yeah ok it would be nice to have a few more regular posters but I personally think that the small size of the place is one of its assets – it’s like belonging to a local modelling group rather than a huge faceless forum that some of them have become (I do think there is a tipping point whereby a forum can have too many members and thusly loses its friendliness). And I don’t actually think this place is too quiet – considering the amount of regular posters we have I think there’s actually a huge amount of work being produced, in a really wide band of genres.

I also love the fact that this is a truly international forum – It’s great to be able to chat to you guys from all around the world and to see that we’re all pretty much the same regardless of where we hail from. I especially enjoy chatting with you guys from Europe – sometimes it can feel a bit isolated on this wet island bolted to the edge of the EU – and it’s great to get to know the neighbours.

I also think the mods/admin guys here we have are great – I’ve seen many places ruined by stupid rules applied to what is in effect – grown-ups making plastic model toys – it’s stupid. I think you guys do a great job of keeping this place peaceful without having to chuck the rulebook about too much – thankfully helped I guess by the level of maturity of the members.

I think this is a great place and you guys should be proud of making it what it is.


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Re: What is SPAM?

Post by lawman56 »

Sorry, wrong Spam...... :tongue:

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Re: What is SPAM?

Post by KSaarni »

Just my short comment.. You guys have written so well already, cannot really say anything else than I agree.

I am also member of some other modelling groups, but for me they are so anonymous due to their size. Thousands of members, too much "traffic" in other words.

But SPAM is homy, it's cosy and it's safe.
Perfect for me!

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