700 Now Done...Last Five Are Here and Done.

Here is the place to show of your finished armor products.
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Duke Maddog
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Re: 700 Now Done...Last Five Are Here and Done.

Post by Duke Maddog »

Stikpusher wrote:Mark if you can send me the info regarding Hobby Day, I may be able to swing by. My oldest is throwing a bridal shower at our house on that day so I have to be out early. To kill time, I was planning on a visit to both Brookhurst and Military Hobbies prior to the AMPS meeting.... Hobby Day may be just what I need to finish filling the time....
Wow, my apologies for not responding sooner. My 12-year-old keyboard finally started to fail so I had to go out and get a new one. Now I can respond.

Carlos, Hobby Day starts on Friday the 13th, from 10:30 or 11:00AM until 9:30-10:00PM, depending on when I get the Hall open. On Saturday, it starts at 8:30AM and goes till 10:00PM. The address is:

1127 N. Anaheim Blvd
Anaheim, CA.

It would be great to see you there. However, I won't have this collection at Hobby Day until February. January is too soon; I haven't even gotten the whole collection packed yet! The February Hobby Day dates are the 10th and 11th of February. In January, I plan on extending an invitation to the AMPS group to temporarily move their meeting in February to the Hobby Day Hall so we could hold it there with my collection on display. Just a crazy thought.

Hope to see you there in February, but if you want to stop in next weekend, I'd be thrilled to see you there!
The Duke
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Re: 700 Now Done...Last Five Are Here and Done.

Post by Stikpusher »

Yeah, I'll probably swing by on Saturday... like I said, I am being banished from my home that day, so that will give me another place to bide my time. Come February my days off rotate and I'll be working Saturdays again...
"Surely I have made my meaning plain? I intend to avenge myself upon you, Admiral. I have deprived your ship of power, and when I swing 'round, I intend to deprive you of your life."

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