1/72 Airfix Bf 109-E3

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Re: 1/72 Airfix Bf 109-E3

Post by Stikpusher »

Yes, the Pro Modeler B-24 and PBY have some super looking aircrew figures. I think a few of their other ones do as well.

I will clean up those guys one day. I have plenty of Polly S ELO (Easy Lift Off) for removing paint. I'm actually cleaning up some other old figures to have a go with them.

And I've worked on these guys a few years back to work on my 48th scale figure painting skills...


these guys just need a flat coat...


these guys are still a work in progress...

But yes, ya can't get better if you don't work on these guys....
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Re: 1/72 Airfix Bf 109-E3

Post by Mikey »

Not bad at all. Good blocking and a basic overall wash. That will take you a good ways before needing to look up the advanced stuff.

Those are solid. Thats the foundation you need before advancing. Good work. :)

I hope none of that sounds condescending. Its hard to determine one's tone from text and I'm not trying to give you the wrong impression of my statements. :blush:
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Re: 1/72 Airfix Bf 109-E3

Post by Stikpusher »

Mikey wrote:Not bad at all. Good blocking and a basic overall wash. That will take you a good ways before needing to look up the advanced stuff.

Those are solid. Thats the foundation you need before advancing. Good work. :)

I hope none of that sounds condescending. Its hard to determine one's tone from text and I'm not trying to give you the wrong impression of my statements. :blush:
No, not condescending at all. You have far more experience is this area than I. I've seen your figure work. Now by blocking, I presume you mean the separation of the major colors along lines of items? I pretty much work mostly in washes and dry brushing for figures. K.I.S.S.
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Re: 1/72 Airfix Bf 109-E3

Post by Mikey »

Yes that's what I mean by blocking. You've got that down and your use of washes is another step forward. Dry brushing is another, and necessary after a wash.

However, I think I have something you might like to try.

On you're next figure, I'd like for you to color match your washes. Instead of one overall dark wash try using a dark blue over blue pants, yellow-orange over the vest, and a red-brown for the skin tones etc. In this technique the wash will act, not only to deepen your shadows, but to add another color value to your tonal range. By varying the wash tones you can use the same base color but make it appear to be a separate meterial. Simply by adding a little black to a brown wash instead of red.
I've used a lot of red and pink hues when painting skin tones. Once you blend them together you just see a face and not a lot of paint splotches lol.

When you dry brush use a lightened shade of the orriginal color and only brush downward to catch the raised portions as light would naturally fall on them.

I think you'll like the results and I think you'll like the control over the tones much better than a simple overall dark wash. You'll notice how much more tonal control you have over the light values after a few figures.

Once you get a feel for that technique, which is the next step in the progression, I've got even more tricks if you're interested. The funny thing is, that once you get that far and get the feel for how easy it really is, the rest of it does get more fun.

But first, just take another step and see how it feels. :)
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Re: 1/72 Airfix Bf 109-E3

Post by Mikey »


I know you've probably seen this one already, but the overall brown on this one was not too difficult. I don't think I used any true black at all. I used the next technique I'd like to show you after you try the one I already described.

It's deceptively simple, but takes more time.
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Re: 1/72 Airfix Bf 109-E3

Post by Mikey »

Well... It's been a while since I worked on this one, but it was calling to me from the shelf as it sat beside its 1/48 big brother I'm also working on.

I finished up a bit of body work and some few small parts attached that I hope I won't break off later.

After a round of primer touch ups I sprayed my first color. I decided to use neutral grey as a base and lighten it down to the #31 Humbrol color suggested in the instructions. I'll be doing this with all the colors- starting off too dark on purpose and lightening until I get the proper shade. That will give me my preshading effect with the subtlety I generally prefer. :grin:

so here's the first color;







This is a really simple scheme and aside from waiting for paint to cure, should go fairly quick.
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Re: 1/72 Airfix Bf 109-E3

Post by Mikey »

Well this hasn't happened to me before.



Oops. Guess I'll have to fix this very carefully.
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Re: 1/72 Airfix Bf 109-E3

Post by CallSignOWL »

Oooh, no! I hate when that happens!! :headbang:
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Re: 1/72 Airfix Bf 109-E3

Post by Stikpusher »

The paint lifted? What paint are you using there?
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Re: 1/72 Airfix Bf 109-E3

Post by Mikey »

I'm using Vallejo Model Air. I've recently been using their black primer. Maybe that has something to do with it. It's just been to cold outside to use my rattle cans of Rustoleum like I normally do.

So this has never happened before now. I suspect it has something to do with me rushing and not letting the paint fully cure before masking.
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