The Duke Finishes Four Armor in June

Here is the place to show of your finished armor products.
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Re: The Duke Finishes Four Armor in June

Post by speedgraflex »

Congratulations, Mark! Next time you take photographs, would you tape down a few sheets of white paper as a background? It’s too labor intensive to de-wrinkle a cloth background and it would be nice to publish your work to SPAM’s FB page. Cheers.
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Re: The Duke Finishes Four Armor in June

Post by mustang1989 »

I'm really partial to those M109s. While they are slugs on the move , they do pack a wallop when it comes to fire power. I worked on these for 7 years in the National Guard and went to the firing ranges with them. I got the opportunity to fire that big 'ol 155mm gun a time or two as well. Good times...….. :grin:

Great job on all these latest armor builds of yours Mark. Well done!!
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Duke Maddog
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Re: The Duke Finishes Four Armor in June

Post by Duke Maddog »

Thanks Bruce! I'll see what I can do; although I'll need to probably go shopping for something large enough to use.

Thanks Joe! I've always loved the brutish beauty of those M-109's; as well as the punch they pack too. I'll be they were a blast! The most fun I ever had firing a big gun (and the biggest gun I ever fired) was at Fort Snelling in Minnesota when I got to fire their 12 pound Bombard! Even behind the walls of the fort; that thing set off car alarms in the parking lot! :giggles:

Thanks again for the great compliments guys!
The Duke
Virtuoso of Miniatures

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-Jayne Cobb, Firefly Episode 2 "The Train Job"

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