The Duke Finishes Six Armor in November

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Duke Maddog
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The Duke Finishes Six Armor in November

Post by Duke Maddog »

During the two weeks leading up to and including Thanksgiving, I snatched every opportunity to go work in my Hobby Room. The result was two finished aircraft and these six armor/vehicle models

First up, for a little splash of color, is this ancient PST 1/72 scale Russian PMZ-2 fire truck:




Next are two Russian heavy tracked guns from ACE. They are missing a couple parts each but until I can find or replicate them; I'm calling them done. No need to keep them on the shelf of doom waiting for one or two parts when they look complete enough.

This is the ACE 1/72 scale Russian Br-2 152mm Heavy Tracked Gun. The tracks are not glued into place so they shifted a bit as I was taking these pics. Also, I had to come up with a new aiming scope since the one tweezer-pulted off into Oblivion, so I scratched a new one. Until the other shows up, it's gonna keep that one:




The next is the ACE 1/72 scale Russian Br-5 280mm Heavy Tracked Gun. A couple pieces missing again, but it looks done so it is done... for now:




In keeping with the Russian theme, I decided to bring this shelf queen over the finish line instead of waiting for the parts for the SCUD C to come or be found. This is the Modelcollect 1/72 scale Russian SCUD D:




The next finished model is the ACE 1/72 scale Israeli Centurion Sho't Kal Gimel, one of four Israeli Centurion variants put out by ACE:




And finally, this last one is number six for the month; but number 890 in my entire armor/vehicle collection. This is the Takom 1/72 scale M1070 Gun Truck looking like she just came back from a long convoy protection mission:




And that is all I have for today. I know some of these are not finished, but they are done. I have to find a place where enough is enough and I can move on.

Thank you all for looking in, comments are welcome.
The Duke
Virtuoso of Miniatures

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Re: The Duke Finishes Six Armor in November

Post by keavdog »

Great stuff Mark. I like that big ugly russian gun and the gun truck in particular. Keep crankin' em out!
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Re: The Duke Finishes Six Armor in November

Post by Medicman71 »

Awesome builds Mark! :shoutout: :shoutout:

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Re: The Duke Finishes Six Armor in November

Post by LyleW »

Those look great!
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Re: The Duke Finishes Six Armor in November

Post by Stikpusher »

Oh all sorts of goodies here Mark! Bravo! The firetruck is indeed a nice splash of color here. Of course I am a fan of the Soviet heavy guns on the tracked carriages, but that Scud... very cool! The Centurions are a great pair as well!
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Re: The Duke Finishes Six Armor in November

Post by cbaltrin »

Duke, your Amore for Armor is impressive. Nice work!
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Re: The Duke Finishes Six Armor in November

Post by Duke Maddog »

Thank you John Kdog! I appreciate it very much. I actually have two big ugly Russian guns. The angles of the photos don't make it easy to see the different lengths of the gun barrels.

Thank you Mike! It feels great getting so many of these off the bench and onto the shelf!

Thank you Lyle!

Thank you Carlos! I was actually surprised that I had so many Russian vehicles and equipment under construction until I posted this. I'm glad I got them all done. I am also a fan of the big tracked guns; I was so thrilled when ACE brought them out! Also, that is only one Centurion, the Sho't Kal Gimel. The Sho't Kal Dalet has just been finished and is not yet posted. Soon.

Thank you CB!
The Duke
Virtuoso of Miniatures

"Do you know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I get and beat you with 'till you understand who's in ruttin' command!"
-Jayne Cobb, Firefly Episode 2 "The Train Job"

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