120mm Roman Legionnaire

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120mm Roman Legionnaire

Post by lawman56 »

This is my first attempt at a full scale, stand alone figure. All my other figures have been 1/35 to compliment my armor builds. I will admit I'm pleased with everything but the face. For the life of me, no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to do facial features. Oh well, I'll get it eventually.

The figure is by Verlinden and is made of resin, with a white plaster base. I carved the title into the base with a dental pick, the name came from a friend when he suggested it, since it's one of my favorite Latin poems, (I used to sing it as we drove through Iraq, long story :lol: ).

I give you "O Fortuna"....(cue the heralds...)




Please, feel free to give criticism, good or bad, I would love to feel more comfortable building these guys! There's so many I want to do!

Thanks for looking!

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Re: 120mm Roman Legionnaire

Post by LyleW »

That is magnificent! I think the hues and colors are spot on. To me, Mr. Ham Hands, the face looks very good. You have some amazing talent!
To make each build less crappy than the last one. Or, put another way, "Better than the last one, not as good as the next one!"..
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Re: 120mm Roman Legionnaire

Post by tigrazor »

Doing a 120mm Legionare myself atm, I know how hard it is to get a pretty good result. So please dont get me wrong if I have some CC for you (that isnt supposed to be a "mine is better than yours" thing - were all learning from each other, right?! ;) )

-I miss some depth, especially for the armor plates
-His skin tone is a bit dark (but hey, maybe its the pictures or maybe he stood too long in the sun)

On the other hand, its always a good idea to divert some tools from their intended use! Great idea to scratch the title in the base. Is that a deals on his shield? If yes: Did you use clear coat underneath it? If not - handpainted??? How the heck...! ;)

And youre a step ahead, my figure is still incomplete. ;)
"Did you really pay a big amount of money for only half a figure?!"

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Re: 120mm Roman Legionnaire

Post by lawman56 »

Thanks Tigrazor, I'm ALWAYS open to CC! Another, indifferent, set of eyes is how I learn and grow, especially when it comes from a fantastic figure painter!

First I'll address the shield, it it the supplied Verlinden decal/sticker. I painted the shield first in the same Model Master British Crimson that I painted the tunic in. I wanted to make sure that, if the decal was thin, it wouldn't be noticed, due to the red base underneath. The only issue I had, really, was centering it on the shield. A design like that would most certainly be noticible, if crooked.

Secondly, I totally agree with you on both points about the skin tone and the armor plates. Two things I did, (and one I didn't) do, I believe, are where the problem lies. Please, feel free to give me pointers.

-I didn't paint each armor plate with a highlight and shadow. I think, what I should have done, was painted my base color in the center of each plate, then lightened and darkened each plate, according to light, as appropriate, then blending. As I did on the tunic.

-I did attempt to shadow and highlight the skin. After much trail, and mostly error, I gave up in fear of making things worse. This is where I think I made my biggest mistake. By then, my skin tones had become too dark. I should have stripped it and redone it properly.

-I gave the whole figure a thin black wash. However, unlike armor, figures aren't flat, so the was doesn't work the same. I had a very difficult time with the wash, and have since deduced that most all of a figure's color variations must be done with the paint itself, not washes.

Never fear of offending me, or my work. I only strive to get better, and can only get better if others are honest.

I can't wait to see yours and hope you'll show me how to paint plated armor!

Illegitimi Non Carborundum
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