Ride of the Valkyries - Bell UH-1 Series "Huey"

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Re: Ride of the Valkyries - Bell UH-1 Series "Huey"

Post by speedgraflex »

Apocalypse Now, HD Frame Grabs

Thanks, Torben!

What I read online was UH-1H.

“DEATH FROM ABOVE” looks a lot like “CANNED HEAT.”

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Duke Maddog
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Re: Ride of the Valkyries - Bell UH-1 Series "Huey"

Post by Duke Maddog »

Yes, the Vietnam Helicopter Group Build idea was because of the myriad options for modeling vehicles used in that war; in the air, on the ground, and on the sea.

As for the helicopter you choose to build, find the easiest one if you want an OOB build. Don't focus so much on detailing it; save that focus for the Thunderbolt. Make this your relaxation build for when you just need to pull away yet still need to build something. Now, are you making a model to represent the one in the movie, or do you want to do an actual Vietnam bird? Once you answer these questions, the solution will become clearer.
The Duke
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Re: Ride of the Valkyries - Bell UH-1 Series "Huey"

Post by speedgraflex »

Thanks for the words of wisdom, Duke. I like the idea of building out of the box. Your idea to create a “decompression chamber” to enter after doing a deep dive is well taken. I definitely “run silent / run deep.” Maybe I should build a submarine with all of the references I am using here. At this point Torben’s advice to use the Hobby Boss Huey Easy kit would be the best choice for a straight up build. I checked out a video review of a “Rambo II” combo kit with a chopper and some kind of boat as well. I watched a few segments of an online build review of Revell’s Huey Hog versus Hobby Boss’s version and Hobby Boss was clearly the winner with better tooling and parts fit. At this point HB seems the easiest way to approach this build.
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