Maddog Manufacturing Facilites...

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Re: Maddog Manufacturing Facilites...

Post by Stikpusher »

You're going to the Secret Society show Mark?
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Duke Maddog
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Re: Maddog Manufacturing Facilites...

Post by Duke Maddog »

Stikpusher wrote:You're going to the Secret Society show Mark?

No, that was in January. This one is the IPMS San Diego show and it was a blast. I have very few photos on my phone, but I'm sure that there will be plenty posted elsewhere. I didn't get many photos because I had stupidly left my camera battery at home on the charger. I won some great stuff in the raffle and scored a couple nice kits. I didn't place; the only one from Orange County IPMS who didn't. Everyone else cleaned up. There were only a couple SoCal AMPS guys there and they won as well. I just don't remember who they were. Pendleton AMPS made a strong showing as well as the Las Vegas guys. The San Diego contest had 283 models on the tables. I brought eleven entries myself and I was also the only OC IPMS guy helping with judging. Overall it was a very good show like always. I had a blast.

I looked for John Kim, and probably walked past him several times if he was there, but no contact.

Now to get going on the rest of my models I'm working on as well as get pics of my latest acquisitions and progress posted, along with my latest finished models.
The Duke
Virtuoso of Miniatures

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Re: Maddog Manufacturing Facilites...

Post by Stikpusher »

Ah ok. I'm happy to hear that it was such a good show.
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Re: Maddog Manufacturing Facilites...

Post by speedgraflex »

A month ago I thought I was going to be there; pretty sure it was Rick Sternbach who posted the flyer on his Facebook page and I kept a copy somewhere with the completely naive assumption that I would have something ready to bring with me, lol, oh boy that was a fantasy.... I am bummed about the results of the judging, but I am glad you were one of the judges; you know what to look for when it comes to building a model, you know the craft so well, Mark! One of your finest qualities comes through in your response to Carlos—you wrote that you have kits to build, photographs to take, etc—basically you are truly a "one man model making facility—just like your Thread Title says. You really are. Sorry I wasn't there to see your work in person.....
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Duke Maddog
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Re: Maddog Manufacturing Facilites...

Post by Duke Maddog »

Thanks Bruce! I am honored by your words. I'm not too worried about the judging results; there was some stiff competition there with many true Masters attending. You know, you don't have to have something finished to attend; there were many modelers who came on down just to see and talk with everyone else.

I'm trying to maintain production so stay tuned for more.
The Duke
Virtuoso of Miniatures

"Do you know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I get and beat you with 'till you understand who's in ruttin' command!"
-Jayne Cobb, Firefly Episode 2 "The Train Job"

We are modelers - the same in spirit, in hunger to insanely buy newly released kits, hustlers in hiding our stash from our better halves and experts in using garbage as replacements for after-market parts.
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